How to Protect Animals Essay

Though our modern lives tend to be very human-centric, humans only make up 0.01% of the planet’s biodiversity of approximately 8.7 million species (Our World in Data). We share this planet with a stunningly diverse range of wildlife. For anyone who has ever enjoyed the sound of birds in the morning or admired a field of butterflies or watched dolphins playing in the sea or stopped to watch a deer jump off the road into the forest, you know how captivating our planet’s wildlife can be. It’s no secret that the world’s wildlife population is at risk of drastic decline due to a variety of factors and, in addition to being stewards of our home, planet Earth, our existence on earth is dependent on the survival of all species, not just our own. Our planet’s biosphere has a delicate balance and wildlife is very much a part of maintaining that balance. Of the 8.7 million species estimated to be in existence, only 1.2 million of them have been identified (National Geographic). Industrial pollution, global warming, poaching and other factors threaten the future of all species, making it a stark possibility that we’ll never get a chance to identify the remaining species that make up our natural world.

Environmentalist and nature explorer Sir Richard Attenborough affirms that, “We are running out of time, but there is still hope.” As concerned citizens, there are many ways to protect animals through conscious consumerism. Paying attention to labels can help consumers know if they are buying from a company that performs laboratory testing on animals. These practices are often harmful towards animals and can maim them and even cause their death. Products that are labeled “cruelty-free” or “no animal testing” don’t perform these practices. To date, 41 countries have banned animal testing, the most recent joining the list being Mexico in September of 2021 (The Human Society). Another way to protect animals is to stop buying animal by-products such as items that are made of animal skins, fur or feathers. These products usually involve cruel and inhumane practices, including the capturing, killing and/or trafficking of exotic animals. Additionally, if each person reduced their carbon footprint by changing their consumption habits, they could help protect animals by preserving their habitats. Today’s consumerist and industrial economy has been disastrous to wild animals, often destroying or polluting their natural habitats. Being more conscious about electricity use, gas consumption, cutting down on the use of plastic bags and straws and many other eco-conscious practices can help preserve the planet’s habitats and protect animals (Animal Welfare Institute).

Other ways to protect animals is to make the modern world safer to them. One way to do this is to appeal for more strict legislation against the use of drones. While drones allow photographers to take aerial views of natural areas, the buzzing sound is disturbing to the wildlife and can frighten the local fauna and alter their behavior (World Animal Foundation). Furthermore, homeowners can prevent birds flying into their windows by placing decal stickers onto their windows, giving them a visual cue that can help them avoid flying into the glass and harming themselves or dying (Regan 14). If everyone did this, millions of birds could be saved each year. Additionally, planting a garden rather than using gravel, concrete or lawns in yards can help protect animals. Gardens attract bees, amphibians and mammals and give them nourishment and shelter. Planting native trees can also help restore the natural wildlife habitat. For those who live near beaches, cleaning up beaches can help protect bird and marine life. Trash, cans, bottles, cigarette butts and especially plastic can greatly harm marine life. Organizing or participating in a beach clean-up can support healthy animal habitats (Animal Welfare Institute).

Other choices and actions can also make a difference in protecting animals such as limiting the consumption of food sourced from large cattle farms or industrialized farms (Edmundson 5). Large industrial farms clear enormous areas of land and apply pesticides that are toxic to insects and wildlife. Small-scale, local and organic farms are the best options for protecting wildlife. Citizens can also protect animals by supporting organizations that work to protect wildlife through attending conventions, making donations and educating others about their work so they can have a greater impact in preserving animal life. Additionally, concerned citizens can spend their tourism dollars supporting ecotourism companies that promote the preservation of wild habitats. And finally, reporting animals being trafficked or sold or animal parts or derivatives being used illegally to the US Fish and Wildlife Foundation (2021).

In conclusion, everyone can do their part to protect the world’s natural habitat and help prevent further reduction of the planet’s wildlife population. By paying attention to consumption and diet, planting gardens and native trees, cleaning up beaches and denouncing crimes against wildlife, each person can contribute to the protection of the planet’s amazing animal life.


Works Cited

Animal Welfare Institute, Haaland, Deb:

Edmundson, William “Do Animals Need Rights?” Journal of Political Philosophy, 22 (2), 2014: 345-360.

Bale, Rachel. “How many species haven’t we found yet?” National Geographic, December 26, 2019:

Regan, Tom. “The Case for Animal Rights.” Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. Print.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Foundation. “Speaking up for wildlife: How to report wildlife crime.” March 11, 2021:

World Animal Foundation. “Using Drones without Disturbing Wildlife.” September 30, 2021: